Well, hello there!

My name is Erin Tennant.

I am a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach and Consultant.

I struggled with my health and wellness for the majority of my life. For over 35 years, I was overweight. I was unhappy with my relationship with food, my body and myself.

I have always been high functioning. I did well in school, had meaningful relationships and was able to show up with a smile on my face. On the outside looking in, everything looked fine. However I was struggling internally. I had no clue how to manage my relationships with food, my body and myself which were major factors in my personal health & well-being.

After years of failed dieting, I decided to figure out how to lose the weight without following a restrictive eating plan. I took a new, comprehensive and functional approach that would require me to learn new skillsets and develop new habits & behaviors. As a result I have lost and maintained over 130lbs weight loss. I am passionate about helping my clients create and implement individualized health & wellness plans & programs. I use a coach approach to find what methods work for my clients to improve their overall health & wellness.

If you are ready to make a change, experience growth and improve your overall health and well-being, then I invite you to come work with me. I am very passionate about the work I do, as I have experienced it first hand.

Honestly, this work saved me and gave me an entirely new perspective and life experience. I now work with my clients to take them from high functioning to thriving.

I would love the opportunity to work with you and be apart of your transformation grow well & live better.



Want to take a peak into my weight loss & wellness transformation?